Post is here. I used to like AmericaBlog. Now I don't even pop in there anymore. Way too caustic. You would think that a gay person (John Aravosis being one) would think twice before resorting to the same sort of (dare I say "Nazi") smear tactics that the Right Wing has used to vilify and dehumanize gays.
John Aravosis at AmericaBlog writes that every top blog "has had it with Clinton". That is patently false, whichever way you slice it.
One example: MyDD, which has more traffic than AmericaBlog.
In fact, out of the top trafficked liberal blogs, only Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, and AmericaBlog favor Obama over Clinton. Huffington Post as a news source seems to editorially favor Obama, but its multitude of bloggers can't be pigeonholed so easily.
Most of the top bloggers writing about the elections are not taking sides: Crooks and Liars, Atrios, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Digby.
These blogs will vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. They have not "had it" with Hillary. Just as TalkLeft, which favors Hillary over Obama, will vote for Obama if he's the nominee. Democrats don't give up on each other.
Perhaps John has caught a bit of Obama's sense of hyperbole. Here are the top liberal blogs that write about the elections and weekly page view numbers, from the Liberal Blog Adverstising Network:
Daily Kos: 6,830,245
Talkingpointsmemo: 2,871,809
Crooks and Liars: 1,547,564
MyDD: 796,170
Eschaton: 619,781
AMERICAblog: 570,566
Firedoglake: 476,869
TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime: 430,441
The Agonist: 422,462
Political Wire: 340,406
Washington Monthly: 269,708
The Carpetbagger Report: 234,768
Hullabaloo: 206,638
Taylor Marsh: 199,068
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