Friday, March 21, 2008

Anti-Hillary headlines at AmericaBlog

Just over the past day or so. I wanted to get more from the archives but the archives don't work.

Wash Post catches Hillary outright lying about her trip to Bosnia

Bill Clinton: Hillary, McCain and Obama - one of 'em doesn't love our country. Guess who?

Vandehei & Allen: Hillary can't win

Clinton campaign finished February in the red

Did Hillary sit next to Rev. Wright at prayer breakfast?

Did Bill Clinton "repent" about Monica to Obama's Rev. Wright?

NAFTA comes back to haunt Hillary Clinton

Clinton won't deny pushing the Wright story. She won't even answer the question.

1 comment:

Arachnae said...

This makes me sad. Throughout the Bush years, I kind of prided myself that 'our side' was above this kind of crap. And I really liked John and Americablog. But they've turned into the left's equivalent of the Free Republic, which is really disillusioning.