Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm tired of this narrative

From the Obama-leaning Guardian (UK) ("Clinton rejects calls to quit") (as if she's doing something wrong):

The prospect of a continuing battle has many leading Democrats deeply worried. They are concerned that the Republican nominee, John McCain, is already airing TV ads and touring the country to boost his cause, while the Democrats seem set to fight more primaries through April, May and into June. The increasingly bitter and brutally aggressive tone of the race has also raised the prospect that the winner will emerge as a deeply wounded candidate trying to lead a divided party.

Let the voting continue as planned. Don't disenfranchise people who haven't yet voted. (That would really cause a stink.) It ain't over till it's over.

Also, I can't see how it must be true that the winner will emerge "as a deeply wounded candidate" etc. The winner will still emerge as someone vastly superior to John McCain. And Hillary, for one, can't be "wounded" any more than she already has been for umpteen years (even being accused of murder by, as she put it, "the vast right-wing conspiracy"), and yet she picks herself up and forges ahead.

Hillary's a tough cookie, and that's exactly what we need.

All the voters will decide in November--not now--who the best candidate is. And that's light years away from now.

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