Sunday, March 09, 2008

Obama fans can't have it both ways

Some Obama supporters are celebrating that their hero won more delegates in Texas, despite having lost the popular vote by more than 100,000 votes. Clearly, they care more about the absurdly arbitrary delegate allocation system than about the expressed will of the people. That's fine. That's how the system works. But the system also includes the absurdly arbitrary superdelegate system, which can overturn the results of the absurdly arbitrary delegate allocation system.

As Big Tent Democrat puts it:

If you insist that Obama won despite the fact that more people vote for Clinton, you have destroyed the false moral legitimacy of the pledged delegate leader argument. That is happening already of course but nothing will accelerate it more than insisting, as the dkos denizens do, that Obama won Texas despite losing the popular vote. Can anyone say Bush v. Gore?

More here.

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