Sunday, September 09, 2007

9th Tier Bloggers of the World Unite!!!

Joshua Marshall wrote this the other day:

I don't gainsay the danger or destructive power of [Osama bin Laden]. I still remember Rick Hertzberg's quote just after 9/11 that the attacks were as brilliant as they were evil. . . . But as an articulator of a vision, an expounder of "Islamofascism," or whatever the new trademarked word is now, he's about as coherent and comprehensible as a 9th tier blogger or one of those whacks sitting on a stoop in Union Square talking about fascism and Texas oil barons before they get overcome by the shakes or decide to start collecting more aluminum cans. [Emphasis added.]

Hey, wait a minute! I'm one of those 9th tier bloggers. Excuse me! I'm "coherent and comprehensible" when I want to be!

I found the remark amusing if somewhat illiberal of him, but I take no offense since, unlike Joshua Marshall, I don't do this for a living. I'm also surprised that someone like Pam Spaulding can blog as much as she does and still hold down her full-time job as head of the IT department at the Duke University Press. She must take an awful lot of breaks back there in the computer room!

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