Saturday, October 25, 2008

My heart goes out to Ohio

“This job is a challenge, and I like that, but it’s also sad and depressing. You see all these poor people that don’t have anything, but they’re still supporting the wrong party that’s the reason they don’t have anything. I’ve canvassed single mothers with three kids, and they still don’t see what’s wrong with the Republican Party.” She thought for a moment. “Obama’s one of us,” she said. “He comes from a blue-collar family. But people don’t really see that.”

Bamboozled into voting against their own self-interest. (Emphasis added.) Let's hope they see the light. Story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should The top management of the Public listed company be responsible for the company performance, eg company nearly get wind up?
Are you a Partisan?

Should they give their view......? If any party did not give their views, send it to their supporter to question them....
Beware other party use it as a last min topics to support their view points...