Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Last Lucy report

Email to a friend.

Hi. When I woke up today, I thought Lucy was dead. She was lying on the rug underneath the coffee table in the living room. I couldn't see any signs of breathing. So I emailed work and called the vet, saying she was dead. Then, when I was putting Lucy in her basket to take her to the vet, I saw that she was still alive, so I called work and the vet back. The vet said to come right away.

I'll call you later. To make a long story short, I took her to the vet and the doctor felt Lucy's belly and said that the lump had gotten larger and that we were "at the end of the road". So I stayed with her after the doctor gave her the sedative, scratching and stroking her and talking to her. Finally she kind of stiffened [straightened] up and let out a breath. I thought she died then, but the doctor came back in and said she was out. Then I left her and paid the bill ($143). Lucy R.I.P.

Lucy and I were together for 14 years. She was my fast and faithful companion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She will always be with you in spirit!! Even agnostics can have little spirit angels!! :)
