Thursday, June 19, 2008

She dances, too, at 82

Queen likes to dance to Abba, DJ Chris Evans claims

THE Queen stunned guests at a Windsor Castle bash by strutting her stuff to an Abba disco classic, it was claimed yesterday.

The 82-year-old monarch showed her moves when the Swedish group's Dancing Queen came on at the end of a dinner dance.

Radio 2 presenter Chris Evans told listeners: "A friend of mine went to a dinner at Windsor Castle hosted by the Queen.

"The meal was had, the speeches were made and then the disco commenced.

"Apparently, she loves to get down on the dancefloor.

"And what was the song being played? It was Dancing Queen by Abba. She was on the floor and everybody said, 'My goodness me, there is the Dancing Queen.'"

Evans added: "That is a true story and she said audibly to the guests around her, 'I always try to dance when this song comes on because I am the Queen and I like to dance.'"

Story here.

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