Saturday, June 07, 2008

More on sexism

"Now They Notice"


Now that a would-be first female president is ending her quest for the White House, the race is more about women than ever before. . . . Even the Democratic National Committee chairman is avidly trying to make up for accusations that he allowed sexism in the race to pass unchallenged. “The wounds of sexism need to be the subject of a national discussion,” the chairman, Howard Dean, said in an interview. “Many of the most prominent people on TV behaved like middle schoolers” toward Mrs. Clinton.

(Emphasis supplied.) This is true Mr. Chairman. The discussion COULD have come a little earlier. But, better late than never.

BTW, I highly recommend the entire article. Some of our readers are going to enjoy the sudden onslaught of wooing you are going to receive.

By Big Tent Democrat

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