Saturday, September 20, 2008

'Palin Costing McCain Support in Florida'

Talk Left has this.

The St. Petersburg Times has been conducting focus group testing on undecided voters.

Five weeks ago, the St. Petersburg Times convened a group of Tampa Bay voters who were undecided about the presidential election. Their strong distrust of Barack Obama suggested it was a group ripe for John McCain to win over.

Not anymore. The group has swung dramatically, if unenthusiastically, toward Democrat Obama. Most of them this week cited the same reason: Sarah Palin.

Among the comments:

"The one thing that frightens me more than anything else are the ideologues. We've seen too many," said 80-year-old Air Force veteran Donn Spegal, a lifelong Republican from St. Petersburg who sees McCain's new running mate as the kind of "wedge issue" social conservative that has made him disenchanted with his party. . . .

"That was almost insulting," Democrat Rhonda Laris of Temple Terrace, another strong Clinton backer skeptical of Obama, said of the Palin pick. "Do they think we're really stupid? … I'm definitely leaning toward the Democratic side now. Sarah Palin scares the crap out of me."

One thing about these voters. They are not supporting Obama because they have been persuaded by him. It's opposition to Palin. . . .

Sarah Palin, Polarizer in Chief. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh please, the St. Petersburg Times is as far left as they come. Probably the most liberal paper south of D.C...of course they will print anything that is worshipping Obama.

Yeah, "undecided" voters, lol. For their "focus groups" they handpicked people that they knew ahead of time would tell them what they wanted to hear (Perhaps we should look into the size of the "group" -- 11 people?). This doesn’t even pass the laugh test. If this "focus group" were typical McCain Obama polls would be 30% McCain to 60% Obama.

Believe anything published in this newspaper at your own risk. It has had to downsize substantially over the last couple of years — and for good reason.

Even if this were technically true, rather than a transparent ploy to rattle the GOP and deprive them of one of their most effective assets, it would still be wrong, because we’ve heard scores of cases where just the opposite effect occurrred, making Palin a net gain. My own experience with other people is that, if anything, Sarah Palin has pushed far more people the other way...including former Hillary supporters.

The press knows this and they are out desperately looking for any smidge of data to make it look the other way.

"The one thing that frightens me more than anything else are the ideologues. We've seen too many," said 80-year-old Air Force veteran Donn Spegal, a lifelong Republican from St. Petersburg,"

Lifelong Republican? Then why was his only documented campaign contribution 11 years ago to a Democrat?