Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Turkey breast was in the oven at 5:25 p.m. It weighs 6.81 lbs. and will probably be done in 2 3/4 hours.

Made myself stay in bed till almost noon. Then had turkey dinner at Flanigan's at around 2:00. Even for $10.99, it was really bad -- fake turkey and fake mashed potatoes, most of which I brought home in a to-go container and will probably throw away. Glad I had the Steakhouse Soup before the meal came. It was especially thick and beefy today. Lingered over coffee outside at Starbucks afterwards.

The weather was so gorgeous today, I hated to stay inside for too long. Right now I'm sitting here with the windows open and the fan on. Eventually I'll make the chicken liver spaghetti sauce.

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