Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday night

Except for the silly garage band, "Desperate Housewives" is pretty much back up to speed. The first two shows of the season were incredibly lame.

Painted over the repaired portions of the kitchen ceiling today. Looks good. Lucky was on the counter watching me the whole time. He likes the new kitchen, most especially the new water supply. He's fascinated with water. (He sits on the edge of the tub every morning behind the clear shower curtain liner, watching the water rain down while I'm taking a shower.)

This wasn't a very relaxing weekend, but I really needed to get some things done before Home Depot's people finish the kitchen this week. I'm not looking forward to this week, either, but I'll be glad when the kitchen is fully operable once again. I should be cooking soon and running the dishwasher. (I haven't decided what I'm going to make first. West African Tuna Casserole maybe?) Meanwhile, I'll start putting everything back inside the cabinets once the electric is completed and the can lights are no longer dangling in front of the upper cabinet doors.

Tonight I went to the gym but left before completing my first exercise (but after doing my crunches). I just didn't feel up to it. Then I went to the store.

Good posts here and here and here (and elsewhere, I'm sure).

Happy and proud again--at long last--to be an American. We're back!

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