Saturday, June 27, 2009

MoveOn To Target Hagan For Opposing The Public Option

From TPM here.

Just in from MoveOn: ""Given recent comments showing that Senator Hagan is not supporting the public health insurance option, will be making clear that our 115,000 members in North Carolina--many of whom volunteered for or donated to her campaign last year--believe the public option is the heart of true health care reform. We'll run ads in North Carolina and D.C. asking that she advocate for the public option and support the President in truly solving the nation's health care crisis."

The group did much the same earlier this week to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) who has expressed doubts about the feasibility of both the public option and reform in general. The difference--or one of the differences--is that Hagan owes much of her electoral success to grassroots Democrats.

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